Pivot Part 2

Last I left off, I had just gotten attacked by a dog while trying to clear my head from all sorts of negativity.  Once I returned from urgent care, and since I was unable to fully pep myself up with a long run, I called in the troops.  After lots of laughing, crying, hugs, discussions, and a full nights rest, I was able to purge all the negative thoughts and accept that I am not in full control of all that happens and though things aren't moving as quickly in the right direction as I would like, I have things in the works that just haven't come to light, yet.  YALL!  Would you believe the next day I wake up and that movement I was waiting for started happening?!?


Divorce --  Since I agreed to not having any vehicles after a month following the mediation, I had to find something.  All my efforts were failing... AND THEN, a very kind family heard about my situation and said they had a vehicle that had been sitting on their property.  It was older and needed some work since it had been sitting, but it only had 36,000 miles on it and they would be willing to do some business trades in lieu of a high price tag.  As it turns out (and thankfully) the family I live with has access to pest control services that the vehicle owners were interested in.  So the deal was struck.  I ended up paying way less than I was accounting for and I ended up with a vehicle in way better shape than I expected.  Most importantly of all, Tooter Bug approves. 

Job Search -- I had a phone interview set up.  As I logged in, there were 17 others on the call.  I was completely blindsided: it was a group interview for insurance sales.  Half way through, they decided to scale the group back to their top 5 picks.  I was in!  After an hour of interviewing, I found a message stating they would like me to come in for an in person interview with the Agency's owner and Office Manager.  I ended up getting a job offer.  At the end of my first week, I successfully completed the State Licensing Exam.  At the end of week 3 I have highest sales for the office.  It's been a huge blessing and I'm so passionate about doing the right thing for those who I talk to that I feel like, truly, the skies the limit.  

Health/Wellness -- The dog attack has thrown me off my running game for now.  With work and single parenting, trying to do any routine gym workouts is just not looking likely.  So, I'm going to have to get a lot more organized in order to figure that out.  Instead of beating myself up about it, a really wonderful woman introduced me to Arbonne.  I have invested in it for a month period; so, as soon as that order gets here, I'll do some health tracking over a months time and see what kind of results it yields. 

Single Parenting -- Thanksgiving definitely looked different for me this year, not having to bounce between my family and in-laws and in addition the pandemic has part of my family in isolation.  My focus is making the best memories I can for my son.  It's truly not quantity but quality and though I would have preferred getting the day with all my loved ones, I instead soaked up time in one of my favorite places (Galveston) with my mom and my son.  We had no stress, no clean up and lots of fun.  Tooter loved riding the ferry where he watched the birds and dolphins.  Moody Garden's was worth every penny, as well.  He even almost got a stroller ride from a monkey at one point.  

Now as we prepare for Christmas, I'm establishing new traditions to do with him.  I'm not getting hung up on what has been past.  His enthusiasm for the season is so fun to capitalize on.  I'll spend the rest of this month trying to make it around to some of Houston's best outdoor markets and festivals.  

Dating --  It has been a predominately disastrous road of trying to establish some strong friendships with potential for more.  I promised stories about all the non-sense and I think that will be a post all on its own.  However, at the end of the summer I had met a family friend's friend at one of our family gatherings where we partook in karaoke, dancing, some cornhole and socializing.  Months later, social media linked us as someone I might know.  Just like that, ta-dah! a spark was born.  So though I'm not in any rush, he's definitely got all my attention. 

I went from on the floor crying in prayer, to feeling hopeful in all areas of my life.  I constantly see where people post only happy highlights of their lives.  Possibly they are trying to keep up appearances or maybe they read that Facebook post that's going around about how life got better when they stopped sharing their problems with people.  I grew up sweeping problems under the rug, not talking about what's going on.  It got me nowhere positive.  In fact, it got me in a lot of trouble.  I have found that the more open and transparent I am with people, the more I get accomplished.  I cannot tell you how many people have reached out trying to help me network to get something I was lacking.... whether it be material or emotional.  I tend to want to be in control and do all things on my own, but that's not how it's intended.  We are relational beings who thrive when we work together to move forward.  I hope that my support system knows I have their best interest in my heart as much as they do mine.


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