Night Thoughts

I'm determined more than ever
To overcome and not surrender
I've stumbled and tripped
And gotten sidetracked
But I'm not stopping and I'll never quit
Watch out step back
I'm soaring through 
Grace,dignity, and mighty too
I'm a woman with class
This staying down has come to pass
A strength from within
Is truly heaven sent
Get onboard or get lost
High heels and Pinky up 

Couldn't see the pain behind my eyes
couldn't see the fear felt inside
No one knew just how bad
And no one knew how it hurt
I tried and I tried
But you sat back and watched 
As I laid in bed covered in blood
I cried
You laughed
I loved you
I trusted you
And it all turned to ash
And now I struggle with all the feelings
Lingering from your mistakes
There isn't anything id do for you
But my God Ill never understand
How you said love but you treated me with hate

 Sweet man come find me
And pick up my head
Cuz it's hung low for so long
For reasons you'd not understand
I'm trying every moment
Every day I try again
And some days I trick myself
Until it all comes crashing in
whyd I have to crumble
Why didn't someone find me
When the playbook failed: fumble
The blood spilled out
And the tears ran wild
my heart was broken
I'm some mother's child
I'm a woman I'm a fighter
And I'm knocked out once more
Sweet man tag me out
And carry me through the door

This lifes promised to suffer
And I know that its true
One after one after one and another
In pain I kneeled down to you
You said look for glory
After all the rain
And I sat on the porch
And I screamed out your name
My heart has felt aching
And my soul has felt dread
Searching for arms to hold me
But there's none that I'd let 
It's by grace that you saved me
When you hung on that cross
It was my sin that killed you
So that I will no longer be lost
But I've clung to the chaining
And you've held out your hand
Will I ever stop blaming
And live life uncondemmend  


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